What a glorious couple of days of sunshine we have had, it was great to get to the beautiful Port Willunga beach on Sunday and have a good walk and get plenty of fresh sea air.
Today is Product of the Month day and since I'm still in the midst of the Australian Bush Flower Essences course and have Bush Flowers on my mind I wanted to introduce you to a product I use nearly every day - Space Clearing Spray. Many of you may have seen me spray this around the clinic room in between clients which will give you a good clue as to what it's for...
creating sacred and harmonious environments
purifying and releasing environments with built-up negative emotional, mental and psychic energies
clearing tense situations and environments and restoring balance
That all sounds lovely but what does that mean in practice?
Spray a room before an important meeting to create a cooperative energy
Spray a room after an argument to clear the air
Spray a room before (and after) you need to have a difficult conversation with a partner or child
Spray the car before school pick-up to minimise children arguing (emergency essence spray is also good for this)
Spray yourself when you leave the office or first arrive home to help you not carry the energy of work/colleagues/clients into your home
If you work from home, spray your home office and yourself after every client
Spray the house after a children's party to release the build-up of energy
I could go on and on but I think you get the idea!
Space Clearing Mist Active Ingredients:
Flower Essences: Angelsword, Boab, Fringed Violet, Lichen and Red Lily flower essences.
Essential Oils: Cedarwood, Lemon Scented Eucalyptus, Lavender and Sandalwood
Cedarwood can assist in transforming negative situations into an experience from which strength and wisdom is derived whilst the Eucalyptus oils help to disinfect environments. Lavender oil helps to calm & sooth whilst Sandalwood will assist in quietening the mental chatter and clear distractions after negative influences.
The other spray I use a lot is Emergency Essence. This is for when a situation or a person really needs calming down. It is for:
distress, panic or fear
crisis situations
ability to cope
comfort, reassurance
What does that look like in practice?
If someone has just had a car accident
Someone who has just learned bad news about a loved one
Someone who has witnessed something distressing
Panic attacks
Severe nervousness before an exam, performance or public speaking event
Severe nervousness before a sports competition
Teachers can spray a classroom before children arrive and at lunchtime to help calm down behaviour
Parents can spray a room/house before a children's party
Nervous drivers can spray the car
Emergency Service workers can spray themselves and their vehicles after dealing with people in crisis situations or in distress. This will help to reset the energy in between jobs and prevent a build up over the day.
Doctors can spray the clinic room before giving difficult news to clients
Again, the list is endless!
Emergency Essence Mist Ingredients:
Flower Essences: Angelsword, Crowea, Dog Rose of the Wild Forces, Fringed Violet, Grey Spider Flower, Slender Rice Flower, Spinifex, Sundew and Waratah.
Essential Oils: Neroli, Chamomile, Lavender and Bergamot.
Neroli oil helps to calm anxious thoughts, uplift spirits and relax the nerves. Chamomile can be used to counteract agitation and draw out the best in you. Lavender comforts and soothes whilst gently uplifting Bergamot helps to bring forth a positive state of mind.
There are four other mists available from Australian Bush Flower Essences - have a look at their website www.ausflowers.com.au for more information.
Where can I buy the sprays/mists from?
I currently have Space Clearing spray in stock in the McLaren Vale clinic so ask me at your next appointment (or ask me to bring some to Blackwood for you).
My Favourite Things online shop will have them all in stock for it's next opening on 1st August.
Health food stores often stock them.
The ABFE website for Australian orders.
They are available in many countries so if you want to recommend them to friends or family overseas have a look at the international distributors page.
Happy clearing the air!
Carla :)