Hi everyone,
As we are getting closer and closer to winter (although you wouldn't know it today) it's as important as ever to keep moving. Sometimes the sun is shining and I'm easily drawn outside for a walk and sometimes it's grey and raining and freezing and I'm much happier exercising indoors. A colleague recommended a Yin Yoga class online of those indoor days. I'd never done Yin Yoga before but was intrigued as it works with the meridians and elements of Chinese Medicine that we work with in Kinesiology.
On the surface level the class may appear easy if comparing it to other forms of yoga as it's extremely gentle but in fact it goes very deep. The teacher has got a playlist on YouTube that is free to access - 5 classes covering all the main meridians: Yin yoga playlist. You can choose to do the class that links with any physical or emotional symptoms you are feeling or try the metal element (lung and large intestine) that links with Autumn. If you like it you may even want to find a Yin Yoga class in your area. It's always good to try something new and be pleasantly surprised!
Happy Yogi-ing!
Carla :)
P.S. Want to re-read a previous email but have deleted it? (accidentally of course!) Not to fear - all previous emails are available on the website blog or facebook.
P.P.S. Online bookings are available for current clients.