Hi everyone,
I hope you all managed to enjoy some beautiful sunshine over the weekend. The sunshine and the first signs of blossom on the trees are reminding us that winter is on its way out and Spring will be here before we know it. When we're coming out of our winter hibernation mode we often want to start a bit of spring cleaning, including our diet and lifestyle as well as our cupboards! "Where do I start?" is the most common question we ask ourselves. When we're aware that we want to take steps to improve our health and lifestyle we can often feel overwhelmed as there are soooooo many things we could do.
Whenever we feel overwhelmed, one of the best things we can do is break things down into bite size pieces and take one bite at a time.
With dietary changes, it's also more motivating if we can focus on what we need to eat more of rather than what we need to eat less of, especially with children. A great tool to help is the app "Dr Greger's Daily Dozen" by Dr Greger and the Nutritionfacts.org team. It's a simple (and free yay!) app to use that goes through the main food groups and how many serves a day to aim for. You can tick them off each day as you go and it explains what a serve is.
It's based on plant-based eating but that doesn't mean you can't have meat, it just shows you how many of the other food groups we need each day.
Now obviously, the app is not called Daily Dozen for nothing. There are 12 categories (including one for exercise and one for drinks). This could be overwhelming so break it down and start with one category e.g. Greens. It gives examples of all the leafy greens and recommends 2 serves a day where a serve is 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked, so that would be pretty easy to do in one meal.
Once you feel like you have the first category under your belt and have created a consistent habit with it, move onto the next one. Even if you do one category a month, you'll have them all going in a year - and that could bring about huge benefits for your health and happiness!
Happy changing habits!
Carla :)