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Vitamin C please! Plus next steps for face to face consults...

Carla Evans

I hope you are able to get out and enjoy these gorgeous sunny days in between the wonderful rainy ones.  We have just had solar panels fitted and it is very exciting to know they are generating electricity for us!

Even more exciting is restarting face to face consultations at the start of June yay!  I'm very much looking forward to be hands on again.  I have a list of clients to contact and get booked in so I will be gradually working my way through that list this week.  Please feel free to contact me if you know what date and time would suit you best, here are the options:

McLaren Vale

Tues  9am, 10:30am, 12pm, 2pm

Thurs  2pm, 3:30pm, 5pm

Sat  9am, 10:30am, 12pm, 2pm


Wed  9:30am, 10:45am, 12pm, 1:15pm, 2:30pm, 3:45pm, 5pm

Online consultations have been working really well so they will still be available at all the above times if you prefer this option.

Pilates classes in McLaren Flat will hopefully be resuming on Tues 9th June in keeping with gyms and indoor fitness reopening.  This is part of Step 2 of the South Australian roadmap and is subject to public health assessment closer to the time so I will keep you informed.

One thing that has stood out to me during this time of physical isolation is how well it prevents not only the spread of the current coronavirus but also the spread of other cold and influenza viruses.  According to SA Health, there have been 1,475 reported cases of influenza this year up until 2nd May 2020.  This is compared with 10,729 for the same time last year which is a reduction of 86% - amazing!  Here is the link if you are interested or as a pdf.

To continue this reduced spread of common viruses, I'm asking for your help.  If you have any symptoms such as (but not limited to) cough, sneezing, fever, sore throat or difficulty breathing please call me before your appointment so we can discuss your options.  I will do the same and contact clients if I am experiencing any symptoms.

To keep our immune systems healthy so they can pounce on any viruses we are exposed to, vitamin C is very beneficial.  I've just been writing an article on vitamin C for our Kinesiology magazine, here is a handout of foods high in vitamin C and I will share the full article once it's edited :)

Happy stepping forward!

Carla :)



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